One-day Online workshop on 25th January, 2024
NavIC: Development, Scope and Applications
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is now being used for myriads of applications with precise position, velocity and timing (PVT) solutions. IRNSS/ NavIC is the Indian Regional Navigation System designed, developed, and maintained by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). Because of the typical constellation structure and signal design, NavIC will offer several advantages over its service region both for PVT and non-PVT applications. This one-day workshop organized by Indian Radio Science Society (InRaSS) and co-sponsored by Commission C of International Union of Radio Science (URSI) will expose the participants on the status, future, application, potential and challenges of NavIC. Experts from multiple institutions including ISRO, academic and Research organizations, and industry would deliver talks and share experiences in the event. Master’s degree students, researchers, industry participants and decision makers involved in GNSS/ NavIC related activities are encouraged to register for the completely online event. The registration is complimentary and best young participants will receive prizes those are sponsored by URSI and GNSS/ NavIC industry. For more information and registration please check the attached flyer.