The Indian Radio Science Society (InRaSS) allows the following categories of members: Regular members, Associate members, Student members, Institutional members, Life members, Donor members and Honorary Fellows.
Admission to all categories of membership, other than honorary fellowship, shall be made by the Council on consideration of applications for such membership. The Executive Assistant Secretary shall communicate the decision on a new application within one month. A newly admitted member must pay the admission fee and/or annual subscription within six months of admission to membership failing which his/her admission to membership shall stand cancelled.
- The admission fee and annual subscriptions to the various categories of membership shall be fixed by the InRaSS Council with a provision to alter the same if and when necessary. Currently, the regular/associate/student membership categories are exempt from any admission fees and are only required to pay their membership fees annually. The Life members, Institutional members and Donor members, on the other hand are required to pay only a one time admission fees. The various rates are given in the table below:
Regular*/Associate membership | Rs. 500 per annum. | US$ 10 per annum |
Student membership | Rs. 300 per annum | US$ 6 per annum |
Life membership | Rs. 5,000 | US$ 100 |
Institutional membership | Rs. 100,000 | US$ 2000 |
Donor membership | Rs. 10,000 | US$ 200 |
- The eligibility and procedure of admission for various categories of membership shall be as follows:
- Regular members: Any person who has published at least 2 papers in a refereed journal in any area related to radio science shall be eligible for a regular membership of the Society. An application for a Regular membership must be supported by two Regular members. A Regular member shall have the right to attend meetings of the General Body and to vote and shall be eligible to hold an elected office.
- Life members: Only a Regular member of the Society with reasonable experience in science or/and engineering in one of the areas of radio science may be admitted by the InRaSS Council as a Life member on payment of such lump sum amount as may be determined by the Council from time to time.
- Associate members: Any person interested in radio science who is not eligible to become a Regular member may be admitted as an Associate member provided his/her application for membership is supported by two Regular members. An Associate member may attend the meetings of the General Body, but shall have no right to vote or hold an elective office.
- Student members: Any person studying radio science or a related branch of science /technology in UG/PG/doctoral research level may be admitted as a Student member. He/she will not be considered for the student membership after he/she attains the age of thirty two years. An application for a Student membership should be supported by two regular members. A Student member shall have no right to attend the business meetings of the General body or to vote or to hold an elected office.
- Institutional members: Research Institutions, Educational Institutions and Commercial or Industrial organizations associated with Radio Science or related branches of science would be eligible for admission as Institutional members. They shall be entitled to send one representative to the meetings of the General Body who shall not have the right to vote or to hold an elected office.
- Donor members: Any person who donates a sum specified by the Council under the provision of Rule 2 above, to the Society may be admitted as a Donor member. Such a member shall have all privileges of a Regular member except the right to vote or hold an elected office.
- Honorary fellows: Upon nomination by not less than five Regular members, the Council may elect distinguished radio scientists as Honorary fellows who shall have all the privileges of regular membership without payment of any dues. Maximum of two Honorary fellows may be elected in any one year and the total number of living honorary fellows shall not exceed 5% of the existing regular member at any given time.
- A member who fails to clear his/her annual dues by the end of the calendar year shall be deemed to have lost his/her membership. He/she may however be readmitted without paying the admission fee provided all the arrears up to the date of readmission are cleared.
- A regular member shall not be eligible to vote or be elected to an office if he/she is in arrears of payment of annual subscription. His/her eligibility will be restored as soon as all the arrears are cleared.
- Any member whose conduct is considered by the Council as prejudicial to the interests of the Society may be expelled after first being given an opportunity to explain his/her conduct to the Council.